
eProcurement platform

Toolbox has full support for all high quality MePA catalogues.

Toolbox is the hardware tools e-commerce website which offers the e-Procurement no one else can provide in Italy: a full support for high quality MePA catalogues.

Meaning of E-Procurement

E- Procurement or “electronic supplying” is the acquisition of goods and services through the Internet, thanks to a set of rules that involve the use of various types of software and IT technologies.

What is E-Procurement?

E-Procurement systems, used between companies (B2B trade), between people and companies (B2C trade) or between companies and public bodies (G2B trade), reduce the waste of time and resources typical of manual tasks. E-procurement is definitely a key lever for the growth and modernisation of the economy, for the control and reduction of public expenditure.

Many large companies and public administrations are equipping their purchasing offices with systems that implement e-Procurement technologies and, at the same time, are demanding their suppliers to adopt compatible and interfaceable “catalogues” and order acquisition systems. We have been producing ON-LINE orders acquisition systems and catalogues for B2B trade for many years.

Online shopping

MePA (Public Administration Market) is an excellent example of e-Procurement mechanism. Acquisti in rete is the program developed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance aimed at rationalising the Public Administration purchasing and that supports Administrations and companies in the management of all purchasing processes through innovative e-procurement solutions.

All large companies and industrial groups are organizing to adopt e-procurement systems and policies. (Ferrovie dello Stato, Enel, Edison, Leonardo, Eni, Fca…)  

E-procurement systems allow to reach the end-users (department head, maintainers, technicians, etc.) who generate the need; it is therefore necessary to best advise them.

The Punchout setup allows all users (warehouse workers, maintainers, technicians, etc., …) of a final customer’s website to directly connect to the supplier’s website to create demands of purchase, which will be subsequently converted into actual orders.

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